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求救!! ~ urgent

發表於 2007-12-29 12:05:42 | |閱讀模式


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剛剛發現龜頭有兩粒紅色肉粒, 請問師兄, 呢d係咪疱疹?
fisher123 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-12-29 13:40:35 |
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發表於 2007-12-29 21:39:54 |
Right....right...go to see a doctor..as soon as possible.......
fisher123 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-12-29 22:53:13 |
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發表於 2007-12-29 23:43:20 |
where you go play, tell me please
發表於 2007-12-30 00:13:45 |
 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-30 00:53:56 |

睇左醫生la, 應該唔係性病, 要等進一步化驗結果.
發表於 2007-12-30 01:38:54 |

回覆 #1 lionking 的帖子

only trust a modical doctor.
發表於 2007-12-30 04:37:09 |
發表於 2007-12-30 04:57:09 |
I think ,you may got cauflower, check it first to doctor.
 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-30 18:31:22 |
原帖由 terryn7 於 2007-12-30 04:57 發表
I think ,you may got cauflower, check it first to doctor.

already checked with doctor. he said it seems not cauflower. for safety, already took sample to lab for further checking.
發表於 2008-1-1 21:52:26 |
go and see the doctor lar ... very safe
發表於 2008-1-1 22:09:37 |

lionking brother

Let us know the result of your medical consultation.
發表於 2008-1-10 15:39:56 |
How's the result???
發表於 2008-1-10 15:45:49 |
Tell us what is that when you get the result
發表於 2008-1-11 19:44:17 |
Work too hard might have 紅色 dot
 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-11 23:20:05 |

回覆 #15 浪客 的帖子

可能有人會覺得大驚小怪, 但搵醫生check真d都係好既
發表於 2008-1-12 01:05:51 |
原帖由 lionking 於 2008-1-11 23:20 發表
可能有人會覺得大驚小怪, 但搵醫生check真d都係好既

Lucky you..be careful next time
發表於 2008-1-12 13:38:24 |
Indeed, when the last time you played ...
發表於 2008-1-12 14:52:12 |
原帖由 lionking 於 2008-1-11 23:20 發表
可能有人會覺得大驚小怪, 但搵醫生check真d都係好既

Good, Be careful brother


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