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啱啱master 畢業!

發表於 2016-5-17 23:28:45 | |閱讀模式


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今日完sem,終於讀完HKU master 。讀完覺得好廢。除左響CV 多左一個,個人黎講係冇分別的。。。。
發表於 2016-5-18 08:46:47 |

回帖獎勵 +3 元錢

What Master degree you refer to? ( l9 {* T# w  r, j1 F. q) g
! ?6 C: M* O, t( q5 @1 \
Taught or research base ?
 樓主| 發表於 2016-5-19 01:22:56 |
master of real estate
發表於 2016-5-19 01:40:30 |

回帖獎勵 +3 元錢

發表於 2016-5-19 11:38:00 |
- P' A- l1 |, p; J3 o
May be the market outlook of real estate for this coming years are not promising. Wait and see.& x" H& E0 b% T; s

) Y, I( Q9 m$ S; UAlso, the Master may help you to keep the job !!!
發表於 2016-5-19 23:57:44 |

回帖獎勵 +3 元錢

geezero 發表於 2016-5-17 23:28
* f7 q5 ^, |/ d今日完sem,終於讀完HKU master 。讀完覺得好廢。除左響CV 多左一個,個人黎講係冇分別的。。。。

7 L- n7 p% m& I7 Z恭喜畢到業!
發表於 2016-5-20 00:19:15 |
發表於 2016-5-22 12:20:51 |
恭喜晒喎 !   
發表於 2016-5-27 12:23:58 |
master programmes are just sth for university to make money...8 ~  Y! w8 k( O+ [6 P

, j1 [& l: s0 @3 j8 dbtw...congrats!
發表於 2016-6-1 22:32:43 |
if you look for career growth , master is irrelevant
- i8 r+ g' L) S8 M' \
4 A# n  S1 w, {, G0 B+ O% w8 }it is for social network
發表於 2016-6-6 23:13:33 |
發表於 2016-6-17 14:15:46 |
Congrats! go for next step
發表於 2016-7-3 09:12:46 |
cv靚左...好奇想知, hr會concern個master係taught定research ga mei?
發表於 2016-7-23 12:54:13 |
恭喜晒! CV又靚左
發表於 2016-8-8 01:32:48 |
Really? I have learnt much on your master degree based on bachelor . you can appy for more salary than before.
發表於 2016-8-8 21:30:52 |
發表於 2016-8-22 19:22:01 |
發表於 2016-8-25 16:30:52 |
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發表於 2016-8-29 02:38:00 |


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