
Hope it dosen't rain today

熱度 3已有 97 次閱讀2011-5-1 13:34 |系統分類:心情日記|

Well hope it dosen't rain today, don't really like raining because don't like carrying umbrellas...






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回復 kenhk169 2011-5-1 16:34
Not anymore for the rest of the day!  
回復 karate 2011-5-1 16:39
kenhk169: Not anymore for the rest of the day!   
thanks coz just washed clothes, don't want them to get wet with toxic rain...haha
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 16:40
回復 karate 2011-5-1 16:42
bun_gel:    陰陰天令我更想出去搵食....
well, watch out, Sundays are usually no good coz those girls are going home, unless you can find some new ones...
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 16:44
already hv plan tomolo~~
guess who~
回復 kenhk169 2011-5-1 16:55
How about radiation rain?  
回復 karate 2011-5-1 16:57
bun_gel: already hv plan tomolo~~
guess who~
no need to guess, Kama right?
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 16:59
not this time lar...!!!
save it for the last....
回復 karate 2011-5-1 17:02
bun_gel: not this time lar...!!!
save it for the last....
oh, then who?
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 17:02
回復 karate 2011-5-1 17:06
bun_gel:    YES~~~
haha, it is either Kama or Yes for you, so your schedule is Mon, Wed, Fri - Kama, Tue, Thur, Sat - Yes and Sun eat yourself?
回復 karate 2011-5-1 17:07
bun_gel:    YES~~~
oh Yes is still here tomorrow? hasn't she been here a week already?
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 17:08
day 3 already eat myself lar, broke already~~
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 17:08
her ad is still here wor~~
回復 karate 2011-5-1 17:10
bun_gel: day 3 already eat myself lar, broke already~~
don't worry, money is earned to be spent, then you will go earn some more!!
回復 karate 2011-5-1 17:11
bun_gel: her ad is still here wor~~
hah, you haven't checked yet? try not to be her customer on her last day, don't want u to be sorry...
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 17:14
seriously, i never had bad service with any gal thats on her last day...
but if she's off tomolo, then you know who im gonna visit lar....
回復 karate 2011-5-1 17:16
oh really? it must be the good agent or you look like "Chok Fung" haha
回復 karate 2011-5-1 17:17
bun_gel: seriously, i never had bad service with any gal thats on her last day...
but if she's off tomolo, then you know who im gonna visit lar....
Kama Kama Kama...Hahaha
回復 bun_gel 2011-5-1 17:19

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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