樓主: jameskan

冇得再睇 War game 相啦!得返佢其他作品

 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-28 12:41:59 |

嘩!好正呀 中國定日本仔o架?...我就建議買中國啦!又平又靚,我把M4 S-system 都係國貨,都係$500幾蚊,真係又實用又底玩! 唔知有冇機會同你玩場友宜波呢?
發表於 2008-1-28 18:18:18 |
Dear Brother,
The kit is G&, made in HK. The AK47 gun will be Tokyo Marui, with Systema 400FPS upgrade. Then I have to buy a scope...and then build them togather myself...Total $ will be $800-$900USD~~ I should had bought the ICS M4 CQB..cheaper, already 330FPS out of the box~~No money for Newyear la...
發表於 2008-1-28 18:22:22 |

回覆 #21 jameskan 的帖子

1 to 1? Any place to play inside a building in HK? I really like to play inside
 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-28 18:31:03 |
原帖由 GacktC 於 2008-1-28 18:18 發表
Dear Brother,
The kit is G&, made in HK. The AK47 gun will be Tokyo Marui, with Systema 400FPS upgrade. Then I have to buy a scope...and then build them togather myself...Total $ will be $800-$900USD ...

$800-$900USD好貴(HK$7,000幾蚊 ),......乜你唔係住香港咩? 香港G & P o甘樣o既槍都唔駛o甘貴.....啦!

[ 本帖最後由 jameskan 於 2008-1-28 21:22 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-28 18:43:13 |
原帖由 GacktC 於 2008-1-28 18:22 發表
1 to 1? Any place to play inside a building in HK? I really like to play inside

發表於 2008-1-28 19:48:19 |
wow, very pro
發表於 2008-1-28 20:14:01 |

回覆 #25 jameskan 的帖子

Jameskan brother,
You meant play spring gun indoor? No problem Yeah, I don't live HK, I live in USA, we play outdoor in the jungle..from 8am to nightime..sometimes 1 day 2 nights...eat and sleep there No WC..no bath.
The G& AK body kit(no gun) is $200USD; without the AK gun..The AK47s is $222USD; fire upgrade will be extra $150USD..
Expensive~~A Jing Gong gun, CMYA will cost much less~~
 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-29 12:01:53 |
原帖由 GacktC 於 2008-1-28 20:14 發表
Jameskan brother,
You meant play spring gun indoor? No problem Yeah, I don't live HK, I live in USA, we play outdoor in the jungle..from 8am to nightime..sometimes 1 day 2 nights...eat and slee ...

我地唔用spring gun的(彈弓槍),所有手槍,全用Gas(類似CO2)發動的......,發射動作與真槍一樣,強勁的還感覺到後撞力添,圖中最長果把(WA廠出品)全金屬Pro Killer,短距離火力有1.5焦耳,強過一般原裝未改的自動長槍如AK, M4 (未改原裝火力長槍AK, M4大約0.5至0.9焦耳)。

有野問下你,你地USA玩的game,有冇規定火力限制?...我就玩過些規定用改槍要最低有2焦耳或以上的,已高出香港法例,香港法例是不能高出2焦耳的。(要偷偷地玩)....D BB彈射落牆上是粉碎的,去到樹林完全唔怕樹枝阻擋,火力非常猛,射中肉體會見血或可能入肉的(一定要有足夠保護裝備),好可怕....非常痛 ,感覺上如真戰場一樣,壓迫感非常大,但我玩過後,覺得好好玩,可能我想追求真實吧! 不過我現在好少玩這類大火力遊戲了。而家玩的都係要求0.5至0.9焦耳的(手槍就唔限火力),通常玩的時間係星期天的9:00am - 5.00pm吧!

[ 本帖最後由 jameskan 於 2008-1-29 16:22 編輯 ]
發表於 2008-1-29 18:32:17 |

回覆 #28 jameskan 的帖子

I have a KSC G23F now, modifiled to 330fps, but gas gun don't work in our cold weather..it uses top gas or green gas.
We don't have 火力限制 here, but handguns or rifle usually within 280fps to 500fps. For people using PSG-1 or other sniper rifles has to be 18 years of age or over.
Because in the game, when you get hit, you are out from the game and go in to the safe zone until the next round.
Maybe I have to buy a MP5K later, because the top gas, green gas very expensive here
 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-30 15:27:55 |
原帖由 GacktC 於 2008-1-29 18:32 發表
I have a KSC G23F now, modifiled to 330fps, but gas gun don't work in our cold weather..it uses top gas or green gas.
We don't have 火力限制 here, but handguns or rifle usually within 280fps t ...

Gas handguns 在天氣冷係一個好大問題,....   火力會大大減弱。
嘩!...你地Dtop gas o甘貴! :ell: :ell: :ell: 香港都係賣$100 三支。:ell: :ell: :ell:
USA D war game 唔限制火力?....o甘你地通常長槍火力去到幾多焦耳?我地通常限制係0.5 - 0.9 不可以 over 1焦耳(會用儀器check),除非大家約定容許啦!一般war game玩法大致上一樣啦!都係死左就去安全區。.....
你有冇上過呢個網站睇過呀? http://www.oplionclaws.com/ 佢地仲有出DVD添,話時話,USA興左呢種War Game幾耐?佢地乜唔係鍾意玩 Paintball 咩?

[ 本帖最後由 jameskan 於 2008-1-30 16:43 編輯 ]
發表於 2008-1-30 16:04:38 |

回覆 #30 jameskan 的帖子

長槍火力 in here will be 300-400+ fps. Gas handgun in cold weather don't work at all here ~~~but I don't want the electric handgun, they don't look as nice as gas gun.
one shop here sells top gas for $25USD !!! cheapest way for me is to buy an adaptor to put on little propane gas tank.
Is CYMA's machine guns good or bad?
 樓主| 發表於 2008-1-30 16:48:47 |
原帖由 GacktC 於 2008-1-30 16:04 發表
長槍火力 in here will be 300-400+ fps. Gas handgun in cold weather don't work at all here ~~~but I don't want the electric handgun, they don't look as nice as gas gun.
one shop here sells ...

小弟真係唔係好明300-400+ fps......即係幾多焦耳...... ,可否...... :ell: :ell:
發表於 2008-1-30 18:37:07 |

回覆 #32 jameskan 的帖子

焦耳...I am not able to convert it to FPS(frame per second). Let's say a stock Tokyo Marui M4, how many 焦耳 it has? Maybe I can convert it to FPS. Because we all use the term fps here, maybe I should call redwolf airsoft in HK and ask them..since I buy many things from them
The max fps a gun can have here to play with people is 400fps..except sniper rifle; can have above 500..
Is China made gun OK to buy? You have the Jing Gong M4S system right?
發表於 2008-1-30 18:42:46 |

回覆 #30 jameskan 的帖子

C-hing, paintball doesn't hurt as bad as BB gun, plus the paintball guns don't look as good and real. I think people in the US has been playing airgun for 10-15 years?~~The first airgun I own was a S&W CO2 gun..very powerful...basically it was for training purpose.
TMs, G&G, JG....guns got popular here about 5-10 years ago..before that, people play with real guns I even try to buy a Walter P99..
 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-1 11:43:08 |
原帖由 GacktC 於 2008-1-30 18:37 發表
焦耳...I am not able to convert it to FPS(frame per second). Let's say a stock Tokyo Marui M4, how many 焦耳 it has? Maybe I can convert it to FPS. Because we all use the term fps here, maybe  ...

我支M4S system係中國野,HK$500幾蚊,底玩又好用,構造同日本仔野冇乜分別,所以可以用返日本仔的零件,真係正!你如有機會返香港的話,都要買返支呀!我時時見到好多鬼佬都專誠o黎買o架!

[ 本帖最後由 jameskan 於 2008-2-1 11:47 編輯 ]
發表於 2008-2-1 18:09:30 |

回覆 #35 jameskan 的帖子

we have the China made M4 S system here also, about $150USD I am still try to decide to buy the Japan's AK-47 or the China made AK-47....$200USD difference
發表於 2008-2-9 08:43:55 |

回覆 #32 jameskan 的帖子

I found out 1焦耳= 300FPS.
My Glock 23F has 330FPS, and my AK47 has 360FPS..
The max fps we can play here is 500fps, but has to be 60 feet away from the person, because the game-master will check the guns before the game.
We can use plastic-army knife as weapon here too :)
Happy Spring Festival!
發表於 2008-2-13 01:12:35 |
 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-13 01:22:52 |
原帖由 GacktC 於 2008-2-9 08:43 發表
I found out 1焦耳= 300FPS.
My Glock 23F has 330FPS, and my AK47 has 360FPS..
The max fps we can play here is 500fps, but has to be 60 feet away from the person, because the game-master will ch ...

1焦耳= 300FPS...... 你地D槍,火力都好大,全部過晒1焦耳..... ,而家我地一般要求唔可以過1焦耳...(除非雙方同意),最多只係0.9焦耳,我果支都改到得0.6焦耳....:ell: :ell: :ell: ,因為過左就唔比玩,除非係手槍或做Sniper啦!
 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-13 01:25:02 |
原帖由 yyhbut 於 2008-2-13 01:12 發表

sorry! :jumpingeyes: :jumpingeyes: 估唔中 :jumpingeyes: :jumpingeyes: :jumpingeyes:


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