樓主: tornadohk

[野戰/槍械] 申請 " 香港鎗械彈药牌照 " 小帖士

發表於 2012-11-8 19:01:19 |

You're right C-hing, during the past 15 years I've saw some members application were being rejected even thought they are from LE shooting clubs.....
發表於 2012-11-8 19:02:46 |
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-7 14:53
Brother Kai:

Either save up $$$ or move to US. :)

Move to LA and enjoy that stupid 10 rounds mag restriction.....
發表於 2012-11-8 19:06:46 |
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-7 22:49
The gun law in California is tight compare to the other states (such as Washington - Seattle, Texa ...

I remember couple years ago they banned AR15 and even those blue color training firearms (e.g. Blue Gun), is it?
發表於 2012-11-8 19:19:14 |
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-7 14:53
Brother Kai:

Either save up $$$ or move to US. :)

Move to Swiss and join the military, after served in the army then you can take the lovely SIG SG550 rifle to keep at home~~
發表於 2012-11-8 19:20:06 |
Kai_ass 發表於 2012-11-7 14:59
回復 aloharicnsa #12 的帖子


Texas, Arizona are both shooting paradise~~
發表於 2012-11-8 19:43:27 |
lawson. 發表於 2012-11-7 10:42
衹要有槍會會員資格 警察總部牌照科一定發牌


然後警察部Weapons Training會派人到射擊會同個會員考試,若果佢幸運地合格,個會員就可以帶同相關文件到槍店購買指定口徑/種類槍械,然後同槍械牌照科申請入牌。


 樓主| 發表於 2012-11-9 08:25:00 |
本帖最後由 tornadohk 於 2012-11-8 16:38 編輯
Gino17 發表於 2012-11-8 03:43
仲有想補充一下,跟據香港法例,係個會員入咗會,上完課堂學習正常操作某特定槍械,兼射擊該類槍械一段時 ...

當年領取槍牌比較簡單 衹要取得會籍 便可申請入牌 由.22Rifle開始 打Skeet可申請散彈槍Shotgun 如取得漁農處狩獵牌 可申請Browning自動Shotgun 槍械除手鎗外 可存放在家鐵柜裡 當地警署不定時巡查 年中都有三四次 但離港要將所有槍械及子彈 存放在香港槍店或警察總部軍火庫 想當年 衹有美好集體回憶

現時香港法例 槍牌條例 禁槍彈存放家中 持槍牌人士 每年續牌由槍會持牌人 代為申請 視附申請人健康狀況 是否適台射擊活動 才代為申請績牌
發表於 2012-11-9 21:02:27 |
tornadohk 發表於 2012-11-9 08:25
當年領取槍牌比較簡單 衹要取得會籍 便可申請入牌 由.22Rifle開始 打Skeet可申請散彈槍Shotgun 如取得漁 ...

回歸之後條例越來越收緊,我上面所講現時考牌要由Weapons Training嘅人黎考都係近十幾年內嘅事。

而家搞到連放喺屋企內,由真槍改裝到失去發射功能嘅裝飾槍(deactivated firearms),俗稱閹槍都要有槍櫃,以前根本就唔使嘅!
發表於 2012-11-10 03:51:39 |
Gino17 發表於 2012-11-9 05:02
回歸之後條例越來越收緊,我上面所講現時考牌要由Weapons Training嘅人黎考都係近十幾年內嘅事。
以前都 ...

How do you "閹槍"?

Remove firing pin? Block the barrel? Remove the hammer?

 樓主| 發表於 2012-11-10 06:31:26 |
本帖最後由 tornadohk 於 2012-11-9 14:36 編輯
Gino17 發表於 2012-11-9 05:02
回歸之後條例越來越收緊,我上面所講現時考牌要由Weapons Training嘅人黎考都係近十幾年內嘅事。
以前都 ...

師兄 是否領有槍牌 當年我牌照4XX2 槍會會員AX3X 霖起好幾拾年 往事衹能回味及回憶
發表於 2012-11-16 17:25:42 |
tornadohk 發表於 2012-11-10 06:31
師兄 是否領有槍牌 當年我牌照4XX2 槍會會員AX3X 霖起好幾拾年 往事衹能回味及回憶 ...

I got my licence before the mid 90s, there are not so many restrictions like nowadays.......
發表於 2012-11-16 17:36:22 |
本帖最後由 Gino17 於 2012-11-16 17:37 編輯
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-10 03:51
How do you "閹槍"?

Remove firing pin? Block the barrel? Remove the hammer?

Well well well..... a lot of works need to be done for deactivate the firearms, after it was completed, a firearm cannot be back to life even you obtain different components.

Say for instance, the modify work has to be done on a pistol is as follow,
Ground off the locking lugs
Weld close the firing pin hole
Ground off the metal that push the round into chamber
Firing pin tip cut off
(If any) Hammer drill a dent so it cannot contact to the firing pin

Locking lug(s) ground off
Steel pin weld into the chamber so it cannot feed any round
A slot to be cut on the barrel

Locking block to cut a slot to weaken it
2mm wide and 10mm long slot to be cut into the receiver to weaken it

Perhaps I miss some detail too, but the last one really kills the pretty looking of a sexy pistol!!! It was a bloody guideline after 1997 (or 1998)!!!
發表於 2012-11-17 09:27:11 |
Very interesting... most of them can be "undone", if you have the right parts.
發表於 2012-11-17 12:30:11 |
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-17 09:27
Very interesting... most of them can be "undone", if you have the right parts.

of course , if the modified part is replaced
發表於 2012-11-17 12:30:15 |
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-17 09:27
Very interesting... most of them can be "undone", if you have the right parts.

of course , if the modified part is replaced
發表於 2012-11-17 17:30:21 |
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-17 09:27
Very interesting... most of them can be "undone", if you have the right parts.

Well, from certain point of view, it could be back to life, if the person is able to obtain three main components:

1) A new slide
2) A new barrel
3) A new receiver

So all the captioned parts add up means you gotta find a whole new gun~~~
發表於 2012-11-17 17:32:48 |
本帖最後由 Gino17 於 2012-11-18 12:47 編輯

回復 Gino17 #32 的帖子

I have to amend on some more modification work about:

Feed ramp has to be ground off to prevent feeding of any round......

Ground off the magazine lips so it cannot hold any ammunition......
發表於 2012-11-18 00:18:37 |
Gino17 發表於 2012-11-17 01:30
Well, from certain point of view, it could be back to life, if the person is able to obtain three  ...

Is it illegal to import any of those parts in hk by mail?
 樓主| 發表於 2012-11-18 07:34:37 |
裝飾槍 Model Gun  真槍改裝 (deactivated firearms) 俗稱閹槍 廢槍 衹有金屬桿感 廢晒功能 得個睇字
發表於 2012-11-18 12:59:30 |
本帖最後由 Gino17 於 2012-11-18 13:00 編輯
aloharicnsa 發表於 2012-11-18 00:18
Is it illegal to import any of those parts in hk by mail?

Basically those are strategy item and is under controlled by HK C&E Department, anyone who wants to import it needs to apply an Import Licence from the Trade & Industry Department. This is the LEGAL way.

Certainly I know there are a lot of local BB gun shops obtain these restricted item from another way illegally and sell to air soft gun players......

Off topic, few years ago a HK guy had been arrested by the FBI in USA because he tried to buy several NVG and bring back here, so this fellow's lovely butt should be still having fun with nigers in the federal jail~~~


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