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JUPAS HKU 最高最低入學要求

發表於 2019-7-15 23:01:16 | |閱讀模式


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University Entrance Requirements
* A8 {3 ^" F# Y  ^If you are applying on the strength of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE), we welcome your application through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS).
+ B; j/ ]- \) K4 |
* B# H1 U  ?; J+ v+ x: \To satisfy the minimum requirements for entrance to the University, each applicant shall gain the following in the HKDSE Examination:! Q$ a/ {6 X+ m# ^& V# U* t
8 b" d: Q& N8 g, [- y
Level 3 or above in English Language;
4 ]$ M& F- t# }6 D# DLevel 3 or above in Chinese Language;
* K+ b9 }. N: [+ t, vLevel 2 or above in Mathematics;# u: ^2 F: N0 o3 Z
Level 2 or above in Liberal Studies; and
5 u9 E$ A  M; m( k3 s& OLevel 3 or above in two Elective Subjects.$ k/ D4 f1 V4 R7 N
HKU JUPAS Admissions 2019# T' z4 H9 N1 }; W" {

3 @- r8 z! s. _4 m# WExpected Score under HKU Scoring System
* h9 ~; P! S, C入 HKU 分數要求:
" t/ U6 x; k! D  z: A
+ z/ M7 s# R; J5 k7 Q; eBBA(IBGM) 4C+2X 43
$ p" Q  ?5 r* P; c, a( x9 u9 mBA&BED(LangEd)-Eng  238 S( r' |/ j# M( R0 w, s
BSc 22
5 L/ F) P7 S. W7 t; ?
% B  i! z" B* B) e+ shttps://aal.hku.hk/admissions/lo ... ores-19%20final.pdf
' n" [0 W' o: k" S% Z3 G2 W: c  Z, c* J8 k& T6 [# {
$ O% C/ b  _7 N3 o
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