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[PS3/XB360] 小島秀夫 正式宣佈《Metal Gear Solid 5》

發表於 2013-3-31 08:36:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 shumanto 於 2013-3-31 09:24 編輯


Konami Production 製作人小島秀夫今日於 Game Developer Conference 2013 ( 遊戲開發者大會 2013 ) 主題演講中正式揭曉《Metal Gear Solid V》!《Metal Gear Solid 5》將由《Metal Gear Solid:Ground Zeroes》與《Metal Gear Solid:The Phantom Pain》組成,確定登陸PlayStation3與Xbox 360。


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在GDC主題演講中,小島秀夫展示了由 Konami 全新次世代遊戲 FOX 引擎製作的《The Phantom Pain》的遊戲首發視頻。據悉《The Phantom Pain》發生於序章《Ground Zeroes》的 9 年後。所以整個《Metal Gear 5》由《Ground Zeroes》和《The Phantom Pain》組成,該首發遊戲視頻由 FOX 引擎製作,是《The Phantom Pain》的遊戲開場教學部分。

Gameplay Demo

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「The Phantom Pain」,即TPP是《 Metal Gear Solid 5》的項目開發代號,而非MGS5。在遊戲宣傳片中,搭配的主題歌寓於深刻,小島秀夫希望玩家能夠充分理會其含義。這首歌曲為「Not Your Kind of People」,由Garbage|垃圾樂隊在2012年5月發行。據悉歐美Solid Snake與Naked Snake御用配音David Hayter表示並未受到小島秀夫的邀請進行參演。

《Metal Gear Solid V》確定登陸PlayStation3與Xbox360,發售日未定。

 樓主| 發表於 2013-3-31 09:11:27 | 顯示全部樓層

1. 遊戲有可能由2部份組成, 序章(Ground Zeroes)及本篇(The Phantom Pain)
Ready for an announcement you never, ever in a million years saw coming? Turns out The Phantom Pain isn't a real game, and Moby Dick Studios doesn't exist. Oh, and Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes? That's actually not what the next Metal Gear Solid game is called, either. We know, you're surprised. You likely don't feel any emotion at all right now--that's shock, it's fine. When you're over it, read the next paragraph.
Turns out all that stuff was part of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. (Note: we're not 100% sure "The Phantom Pain" is part of the name, but Kojima continued to call the game that after the ruse was up, so we're going to assume it's the "Peace Walker" or "Sons of the Patriots" of this Metal Gear).

2. 主角從昏迷9年後甦醒展開新故事

The beginning of the trailer shows Big Boss/Snake, dead on a stretcher. Doctors are yelling, Master Miller is freaking out (more on him later), but there's no pulse. After some work they're able to bring him back to the land of the living, and his heart starts beating. He was out for too long, though, so despite being alive, Snake is in a coma. A coma he'll stay in for nine years.
What happens during those nine years? Though the trailer doesn't say, we're able to connect some dots and figure things out on our own. It's possible that during this time Snake's former commander, Zero, executed a project called Les Enfants Terribles, creating several clones from his DNA: Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake. The timelines don't match up perfectly, so maybe that happened during a different coma (?), but we don't know for sure.

3. 教學篇將於醫院內開展

Snake wakes up after his long nap to find his hospital under attack. His bandaged guardian (named Ishmael) tries to lead him to safety, but after nearly a decade of sleep Snake is gaunt and emaciated. Snake is stuck crawling, not because he’s sneaking, but because he can’t stand up--even after Ishmael gives him a shot to help speed up the process.
So, in other words: Tutorial time! Snake crawls through the hospital, seeing weird monsters and ghosts and other crazy sights. They could be hallucinated because of the shot Ishmael gave him, or he could still be shaking off the effects of his coma. Or they could be real, because this is Metal Gear Solid and why wouldn't there be a ghostly guy on fire riding a unicorn?

4. 主角舊聲配 David Hayter 將被徹換

For all the cool moments in the trailer, the biggest disappointment was what was missing, namely the English voice of Snake, David Hayter. Hayter first took on the role in the original Metal Gear Solid, and had been playing both Naked and Solid Snakes in every appearance up to 2010’s Peace Walker. But the moment you heard Snake speak in the newest footage, it was missing Hayter’s distinctly gravelly approach. As Hayter would later confirm on Twitter, he’s been replaced, but why?
The new voice wasn’t even acknowledged at the reveal, so fans are left to figure it out for themselves. It’s worth noting that in the Japanese language trailer for Ground Zeroes, Akio Ōtsuka was playing Snake just as he had since Snake first spoke, so why the English-language switch? Did Kojima just want a change? Was there some behind-the-scenes strife? Or should we hold out hope that Kojima and Hayter are both trolling us and he’ll ultimately be the real voice in the final game?

5. 舊角色 Miller 繼續參演, 亦正亦邪

MGS5’s narrative split seems to be pre- and post-coma, and before Snake heads off to dreamland, he’s seen assisting a familiar face in the accompanying hospital bed. Master Miller a.k.a. Kazuhira Miller had teamed up with Big Boss prior to the Peace Walker incident to form Militaires Sans Frontières. In the trailer’s big attack on the MSF home base, Snake appears to be in better shape, pulling Miller over to a retreating helicopter. Sometime between landing and lift off that changes, with Snake waking up alone nine years later, missing his left arm and Miller nowhere to be seen. But who is Miller?
We know that Miller would later turn on Big Boss, teaming with Solid Snake to help the younger serpent defeat his former friend in the original Metal Gear. He must have moved on after Boss’ coma, but why didn’t they reunite once Snake woke up? Was Snake a whole new man when he awoke? The type of man ready to trick his friends, build a sovereign nation, and threaten a nuclear attack? Is Miller’s absence a sign that this Snake has finally become the Big Boss that twisted Foxhound into such a dangerous machine?

6. 主角將換上機械左臂

Snake already had to deal with losing an eye, but when he wakes up in his hospital bed he has to come to terms with losing his left arm and nine years of his life. His prosthetic hook seems fairly realistic for what we're assuming is the early-to-mid-1980’s, but at the trailer’s end Snake is sporting a new arm capable of holding a cigar and revving a motorcycle engine. Is that even possible?
Setting aside the fact that anything is possible in a world as nuts as Metal Gear’s, there’s a long tradition of cybernetic attachments in the series. Gray Fox, Raiden, and Revolver Ocelot all lose an appendage that’s replaced scientifically, and Revengeance even had a whole system of unlocks based around chopping off cyborg arms, so there’s definitely a precedent for this. As for the timeframe, Chico already featured a tech implant of some type in the Ground Zeroes trailer, and dialogue in Metal Gear 2 for MSX did imply that Big Boss had cyber-attachments, so it’s all very possible. And again, Metal Gear is crazy.

7. 新美國軍方組織 XOF, 對立於 FOX

The XOF appears to be a US military group, though their allegiance is questionable at best based on what we’ve seen from the Ground Zeroes footage and Metal Gear Solid V trailer. The organization appears to be in direct conflict with MSF and FOX. With the disfigured man removing all markings and proof of XOF from Camp Omega, it’s clear he doesn’t want his organization out of the shadows just yet.
One of MGSV's slogans is “From ‘FOX,’ two phantoms were born.” This could allude to the MSF and XOF, Cipher and the Patriots, or even the specific leaders of the two groups. The statement also hammers home once again that Metal Gear Solid V will be the tale of multiple beginnings. The question that remains is: Just whose beginnings are we going to witness?

8. 遊戲有部份將在古巴境內進行

Footage from Ground Zeroes showed that some of the game would take place at a US prison camp on the tip of Cuba called Camp Omega. Miller dubs the site, “A slice of American pie on Communist soil, and out of U.S. legal jurisdiction.” It appears as if Camp Omega is a bit of a Guantanamo-like location, what with all the bag-covered prisoners.
Both Chico and Paz are being held there, and Boss is tasked with rescuing them. This all ties in nicely to the theories of close time proximity to Peace Walker. Paz was found in the Caribbean, Mother Base was last seen roaming the waters of the Caribbean, and Cuba is--you guessed it--in the Caribbean.
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-3-31 09:19:33 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 shumanto 於 2013-3-31 09:19 編輯















序章Gameplay Demo

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The Phantom Pain - VGA 2012 Debut trailer

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發表於 2013-3-31 09:24:39 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-3-31 09:27:43 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-3-31 09:28:51 | 顯示全部樓層
shumanto 發表於 2013-3-31 09:27
哈哈, 英文唔洗汰啦, 我已經每1點用1句中文概括晒

要汰片,我 send 左d invitations 出去。。。
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發表於 2013-3-31 10:28:56 | 顯示全部樓層
1-4 都有追捧嘅話, 又點可以錯過5呀!
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發表於 2013-3-31 11:12:49 | 顯示全部樓層
shumanto 發表於 2013-3-31 09:19

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發表於 2013-3-31 11:39:54 | 顯示全部樓層
其實最荒謬,應該係問,點解用次世代引擎,卻出在PS3,360身上,而不是PS4,720?? 是否代表住是會有PS4的強化特別版?
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發表於 2013-3-31 13:34:10 | 顯示全部樓層
shumanto 發表於 2013-3-31 09:19

蛇伯都咁老咯~ 仲搞咁多野~
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發表於 2013-3-31 19:14:19 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-4-1 01:42:23 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-4-1 09:56:51 | 顯示全部樓層
好似話唔係 David Hayter 配音﹐搞乜鬼﹖
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發表於 2013-4-1 11:04:42 | 顯示全部樓層
嘩 畫面超靚 勁到好似戲咁 好期待
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發表於 2013-4-1 11:50:28 用手機發表 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-4-1 17:29:41 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-4-1 23:07:30 | 顯示全部樓層
畫面都幾華麗細緻 !! 一定要密切留意 !!
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發表於 2013-4-2 12:27:19 | 顯示全部樓層
"Lets take the stairs." LOLOLOL  Omg I can't wait until this game is out.  Looks really good!!
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發表於 2013-4-2 21:11:08 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-4-4 01:11:33 | 顯示全部樓層
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