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發表於 2017-2-19 11:19:56 | |閱讀模式


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D1, 利澳, 好像還有18都是,最不高興的是我有好感的東堡也要了,我總覺得分開俾錢很怪,兼很不自然,唔通要特登行出個休息室開locker,擺個銀包出嚟,再拎D錢準備去俾個囡囡?到時周圍又時不時有lokcer仔、客人係你周圍,又會望到你俾幾多錢,感覺不是很不自然嗎?


發表於 2017-2-19 11:30:24 |
d1 變返櫃檯一次過了
發表於 2017-2-19 14:32:19 |
發表於 2017-2-19 14:59:27 |
發表於 2017-2-19 19:03:48 |
防水袋裡帶散鈔 本來就是玩家高招
之前見到一個抵死就不先拿錢 鬧出的笑話
玩遊戲 就依照店家遊戲規則
發表於 2017-2-19 19:42:01 |
發表於 2017-2-21 11:27:18 |
At first it is the non-East Star SN require separate payment.  About one month ago, those require separate payment change back to original (one price for all) but East Star group change to separate payment.  I think the initial change to separate payment is to reduce their risk.  If they get caught, they could say that ML is an extra "deal" between the client and the girl, and the SN was not involved.

I will carry with me a small non-transparent bag so no one could see how much money I have.  With cash handy, tipping becomes more common, from the girls to SFK and massage girls.  It is thus a two sided sword.  Whether it is good or bad depends on whether you are willing to pay a little more for better and/or extra service.
發表於 2017-2-21 18:29:52 |
回復 fatloong #7 的帖子

I agree with ching, but create trouble, no way la!
發表於 2017-2-22 08:13:36 |

I think this is exactly why they stopped the separation.

It is okay for those who are happy to pay some tips for extra/better services, but then it will be annoying for those who don't want to as everyone "R" tips.
發表於 2017-3-6 10:03:26 |
fatloong 發表於 2017-2-21 19:13
I think this is exactly why they stopped the separation.

It is okay for those who are happy to pa ...

R tips 真係好掃興。


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