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Darling 1 第一次報告 (試左越南)

發表於 2007-10-7 16:36:26 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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之前係網睇到不少關於d1 報告及有用資訊, 於是星期四決定去澳門見識下...睇下係唔係真係咁正...6:30 p.m. 去到信德,上三樓成功買套票, 用卡俾 +$30, 總數$1464, 坐6:45 船, 航程準一個小時, 7:45p.m. 到達, 過左關..行去回力(因小弟很少去澳門, 竟然忘記要填入境表, 同埋要認清D路去回力)...要8:15 p.m. 先到回力 (如果去過一次,其實真係行5-10分鐘一定到)...入電梯按3字, 出lift 已經係d1, 好似冇兩位知客企係到  , 見到經理歡迎, 我就坐最左邊個張梳化, 要左柸熱飲, 可以慢慢飲慢慢睇, 經理以為我不是生客, 沒有係我身邊不斷推介  只係問我一句:老細, 你明白d牌代表嘜野?...我答:明呀...

當時個場好似有4-5位brother...當時8:15p.m. 真係一如之前d師兄所講有幾多女女 ..
4-5 (Thai), about 10 (Vietnam), about 10 (China)...仲有幾件 model...
因為我坐最左, 所以完全唔需要用望遠鏡, 因為真係好近呀, 個d女女真係個個望住你 , 有d笑得甜d,有d笑得含蓄d...中國個d就真係cool d...同埋如果你坐左邊 (即係我坐個張梳化)...有條柱遮住部份中國女女,要企起身行過去先望晒, 唔係太方便... 講番d女女, 我覺得泰國個d樣同身材真係麻麻 (本來想玩泰,因為d師兄好多都話正...不過當時可能好個d已經上晒鐘)...中國個d..我覺得都係一般貨色 (自己覺得..尖咀福橋或者銅鑼灣合宜d 141仲靚d)...model 個邊有一兩件真係ok 架, 波大同埋夠高...但係第一次玩, 唔想玩咁貴住...

睇左15分鐘左右...其間見到唔少女女係我面前行黎行去 (唔通剛剛上班? 落鐘? 有冇師兄知道?)...不過都好,可以再近d目及下野....其間發覺有兩件越南妹全程都望住我, 笑容好甜, 一個清純, 一個有d妖豔, 15/16真係唔知揀邊個好...最後都係揀左妖豔o個個...no.3X9...個樣有d似陳法拉 (50% 似, 純粹個人意見, 不過即使唔似,本身都幾靚女 )

去counter 俾套票,經理俾番張票尾你..可以係碼頭成功換番張回程船票..經理還會問你駛唔駛去廁所...我話唔駛啦..更住就同個位越女入房啦..入房,阿嬸遞上熱茶, 然後關門, 女女鋪毛巾係床, 之後自己除衫, 女女較水, 自己背臥床, 女女除衫, 幫你按摩, 手勢都幾柔幾舒服,按左15分鐘左右, 女女身材都相當不俗, 起埋有34c 以上, 而且個人手感應該係真野 ...之後去沖涼, 個浴缸真係正,夠大...女女幫你搽皂液, 企係到洗全身, 然後叫我坐低, 用她body 遊走我部份身體, 不太似av 個d, 不是全身同埋時間只有幾分鐘,最後叫我坐上一級 (浴缸裡面有一級, 玩過d師兄一定知我講嘜) 水中簫...有深喉, 但係沒有之前師兄般吹奏好耐 (只有3分鐘左右),亦沒有吹到你想出野個d感覺...全程沖涼用左15分鐘, 坦白說我對呢部分有d失望 或者是我期望太高吧

之後上床, 有錫lin,有錫袋, 有冰火, 但沒有錫全身 (有少少失望, 因為睇之前d師兄報告以為呢part一定有),沒有毒龍鑽,之後女上男下, 男上女下...再女上男下...用左15分鐘出野...(女女表情幾好, 同埋佢真係靚女)...之後大被同眠,睇電視傾下計, 心水清的brother 都知道我到而家只係用左45分鐘, 即係仲有45分鐘剩, 以為女女會執多劑, 點知係冇,(可能我沒有主動啦, 但係應該佢都會撩下你呀嗎, 不過冇咯)..失望...望著時間過去, 其間揸下對波, 過左20分鐘...沖涼,最後著番衫褲走人, 總共75分鐘 (又有少少失望, 因為我星期四去, 應該是90分鐘嗎, 不過我肯定唔關個場事,因為佢個鐘係90分鐘倒數)...

我冇俾tips 呀, 因為d服務同我想像中真係有d出入, 出到去, 時間9:45 左右啦,...嘩....好似俾之前仲多d女呀 !!..好似多番d泰...見到之前清純個位越女又望住我...唉...心裡想...總之揀佢啦... ...同埋見到有兩個知客企係門口啦, 其中中國個位...都幾正呀  ...最後女女幫我按lift...走人..去到碼頭 10:00 ...不過要10:45班船先有位, 真誇張!!...返到香港12:00.


今次呢個越女, 樣貌身材其實一d都唔差, 50%似陳法拉, 身材總好過佢, 你話正唔正啦? 之不過...服務恰如其分, 沒有甚麼特別, 更沒有之前d師兄報告所形容咁正 (沖30分鐘呀, 吹爆你呀, 錫全身, 主動撩起你黎多Q呀...通通欠奉 )..當然..其他越女服務可能有d好正啦...只係撞唔正....

成個旅程, 最令我興奮係揀女個part...因為成個場, 幾十條女望住你, 有d仲笑得好甜, 呢個感覺真係好正


1) 下次可能食件泰妹MODEL ...貪佢地波大 (雖然唔知真定假, 同埋手感如何)....但係唔知佢地會唔會因為係model級, 服務冇其他泰妹咁好呢?

2) VIP 房唔知要加幾錢呢? (因為我出番黎既時候見到VIP房真係大好多...張床係圓形...正)
發表於 2007-10-7 17:00:43 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for your report
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發表於 2007-10-7 18:03:30 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for detailed report

I also want to know can I fuxk twice times before time up ?
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發表於 2007-10-7 20:50:02 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for your report
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發表於 2007-10-7 21:33:31 | 顯示全部樓層
thx report
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發表於 2007-10-7 21:59:20 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-10-7 22:00:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Clive 於 2007-10-7 18:03 發表
Thanks for detailed report

I also want to know can I fuxk twice times before time up ?

Normally only 1Q.....or pay extra(deal with the girl yourself) for another Q

some Thai may be okay for two Qs.....sure.....u better pay extra tips......
they please you....and u must give some returns, right~~
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發表於 2007-10-7 22:02:20 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sing141 於 7/10/2007 04:36 PM 發表
一個清純, 一個有d妖豔, 15/16真係唔知揀邊個好.. ...

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發表於 2007-10-7 22:03:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sanda 於 2007-10-7 22:00 發表

Normally only 1Q.....or pay extra(deal with the girl yourself) for another Q

some Thai may be okay for two Qs.....sure.....u better pay extra tips......
they please you....and u must give some ret ...

Right, thanks for telling me about this.

In case, I have finished 1st Q during the foreplay already so can I fuck with the girl for 2nd Q without extra paid (but only give her tips) ???
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發表於 2007-10-7 22:05:05 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BOND007 於 2007-10-7 22:02 發表


Really !? That's good.........But 1Q or 2Q ??

If 1 King / 2 Queens, two girls have to bj without changing condom ??
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發表於 2007-10-7 22:07:18 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for the report
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發表於 2007-10-7 22:35:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Clive 於 7/10/2007 10:05 PM 發表

Really !? That's good.........But 1Q or 2Q ??

If 1 King / 2 Queens, two girls have to bj without changing condom ??

That's strange. My experience in D1 so far is that girls do not use condom so that there is no need to change condom. I have never tried 雙飛 at D1 but had done so in other saunas. Bascially the two girls take turns to BJ, with some cleaning of your dick in between. For fucking, girls in D1 do put condom on. My experience in other saunas is that one girl put a condom on, fuck until you said enough or ejaculated, then she took the condom off. Another girl will start to stimulate you to get you hot again (kissing lin lin, BJ, licking your balls, touching you everywhere etc.). Once your little brother is ready again, she will put a new condom on, and fuck again. Depends on whether you count 1Q as ejaculation or just fuck, if it is the latter, there is no limit on the number of Q's (my record was 6Q - 3 per girl before ejaculate because I knew when to stop). By the way, while you are fucking a girl, the other one (if she is experienced enough) will continue to keep you hot by kissing and touching you everywhere. It is a very good feeling
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發表於 2007-10-7 23:08:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Clive 於 2007-10-7 22:03 發表

Right, thanks for telling me about this.

In case, I have finished 1st Q during the foreplay already so can I fuck with the girl for 2nd Q without extra paid (but only give her tips) ???

oral eject first .....and then another Q~~
Thai normally okay for no extra paid........
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發表於 2007-10-7 23:33:32 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-10-8 00:22:33 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BOND007 於 2007-10-7 22:35 發表

That's strange. My experience in D1 so far is that girls do not use condom so that there is no need to change condom. I have never tried 雙飛 at D1 but had done so in other saunas. Bascially the two  ...

Thank you for info.

What !? Girl at D1 fucks without condom allowed ???   Is that really ???
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發表於 2007-10-8 00:23:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sanda 於 2007-10-7 23:08 發表

oral eject first .....and then another Q~~
Thai normally okay for no extra paid........

That's really good ~!! Thank you
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發表於 2007-10-8 00:39:14 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank you for your report
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發表於 2007-10-8 01:38:48 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Clive 於 8/10/2007 12:22 AM 發表

Thank you for info.

What !? Girl at D1 fucks without condom allowed ???   Is that really ???

I mean BJ without condom, not ML.
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發表於 2007-10-8 01:54:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Clive 於 2007-10-8 00:22 發表

Thank you for info.

What !? Girl at D1 fucks without condom allowed ???   Is that really ???

No u misunderstand mate...GIRLS at D1 normally blowjob without condom...they only use condorm for ML
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發表於 2007-10-8 01:55:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BOND007 於 2007-10-8 01:38 發表

I mean BJ without condom, not ML.

I see, thanks !
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