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[嘗酒] 「轉貼」法國紅酒知識之-- 品酒的五個基本步驟

發表於 2012-9-5 07:22:35 | |閱讀模式
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發表於 2012-9-5 18:15:24 |
本帖最後由 fokker 於 2012-9-5 18:26 編輯

Quote " 葡萄酒業有種古老的諺語:" 買酒用蘋果,賣酒用乳酪" 。蘋果會把葡萄酒中缺陷呈現出來,乳酪則有使葡萄酒氣味變柔順的傾向,留下使您更覺愉快的品嘗滋味。"

Ah!!! Here comes the much-perpetuated and old misconception that cheese makes DRY RED taste better and they are perfect matches.

Please see this link:  http://www.sfgate.com/wine/artic ... -cheese-2662237.php

Also this link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fooda ... heese-than-red.html
And this: http://www.jancisrobinson.com/articles/20061013_5.html

It is always much safer to drink white wine with cheese; and better still the white has some sweetness in it. I love an Alsatian Vendage Tardive or a German Auslese for their sweet and yet not-so-sweet but fruity characters. Get you prepared for the dessert.


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