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[賽後報告] 發利新發現,超索青春玉女掌門人

發表於 2013-6-8 15:33:01 | |閱讀模式
名稱: Angel
地區: 灣仔
網址: //141-hk.com/zh/22196-尖沙咀-樓上骨-Angel.html


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入到房後,熱情如火,服務無微不至。基本功幫我除衫沖凉不需多講,还在我耳边呵气細語,搅到我細佬即时扯旗敬礼。沖完涼後,Angel 问要唔要揼骨massage。我見剛打完tennis,咪即管試吓。怎知又一驚喜。Angel年紀輕輕,点知按摩功夫如此高深。不但力度適中,还很有耐性,逐下逐下深層指压,非一般女女的交行貨。相信各位都試过一些慘痛經歷。一係D女冇力,一係胡乱搓揼,揼完仲衰过唔揼。Angel就唔同。她手骨功夫絕对一流,再加上最尾一招“猴子偷桃“,我建議各兄弟一定要試,免得走宝。

揼完骨後,來到正場。Angel好正, 係少有青春玉女,直情係外表純情,內裏open 个种。全程自動波。我瞓係床上,她用那像撻了摩打的小舌,如小蛇般在我身上游走。她用口幫我帶套,我竞然帶上了套都不知道,可見她啜功厲害。一輪吹奏後,我再也忍不住了,於是乎首先從後進襲。我望着Angel的大籮,猛力地向前頂呀頂,而Angel就十分配合地向後迎呀迎,我差D都忍唔住爆了。但我正如你們眾“巴打“的貪心,
我怎会滿足於一招半式?於是乎我反轉Angel,來一招“天蓋地“,我一边揸波,一边全力策騎。講你都唔信,可能她是新女,下面不但緊窄,她“妹妹“还懂得“鯉魚吸水“,慢慢的將我的精精吸到一乾二淨。完事後,Angel 依偎在我胸膛上,聊了一陣,絕对女朋友feel。


補充內容 (2013-6-10 19:48):
Some brothers are asking me if my article is only an ad. I repeat, it's not. I have tried several so-called famous girls in Fat Lee these few days and they are mostly disappointing, except Angel

補充內容 (2013-6-28 14:12):
Angel 剛從發利搬到上环錦邦大厦6樓A室了
 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-8 15:58:14 |
發表於 2013-6-8 15:59:08 |
Thank you for TRUFUL report!
 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-8 16:35:42 |
回應 pw1628 #2 的帖子

Have you tried her in Fat Lee? Thanks to your comment as you are right, there's not many true reports in this site but mine is a true one. It can stand the test.
發表於 2013-6-8 20:47:50 |
發表於 2013-6-9 01:21:43 |
多謝師兄分享!!!very good!!!
發表於 2013-6-9 01:26:53 |
回應 pw1628 #1 的帖子

she is ok la~ but I am not so sure about her massage
發表於 2013-6-9 02:06:23 |
Definite it is an Ad.      Seems no young and beauty in "Fa Lee"

發表於 2013-6-9 02:19:20 |
回應 pw1628 #1 的帖子

發表於 2013-6-9 03:43:19 |
回應 pw1628 #1 的帖子

 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-9 10:16:43 |
回應 PassByNoMore #7 的帖子

Well, this is not an ad. It's my personal experience. I also do not think Fa Lee has young chicks and this is why a surprise. Angel is not just young in look, but elegant with purity. Do not just speak from your old experience and draw early conclusion. Go and try for yourself. Action speaks louder than words.

補充內容 (2013-6-9 10:40):
Sorry, this response is not to you but to another brother
 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-9 10:38:58 |
回應 smallguy #8 的帖子

Well, this is not an ad. It's my personal experience. I also do not think Fa Lee has young chicks and this is why a surprise. Angel is not just young in look, but elegant with purity. Do not just speak from your old experience and draw early conclusion. Go and try for yourself. Action speaks louder than words.
發表於 2013-6-9 10:39:23 |
回應 pw1628 #1 的帖子

多謝ching 賽後分享,又有一個好骨師姐姐介紹
發表於 2013-6-9 11:57:23 |
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-9 12:03:27 |
回應 s-hike #14 的帖子

You are right. I am impressed but more surprised by such a quality girl at Fa Lee. She appears to be in mid-20s. I did not ask. Do you like massage? If so, do not miss that part.
發表於 2013-6-9 12:33:05 |
thanks ching FL report~
發表於 2013-6-9 14:26:59 |
我昨日去洗樓都有按鈡,ok啦,唔算好靚,後生的在發利間中都有差不多的,不過我冇入閘,所以comment 唔到佢的服務如何。
發表於 2013-6-9 17:54:54 |
回應 pw1628 #12 的帖子

elegant and purity ... these are the extraordinary qualities in USB
發表於 2013-6-11 19:30:10 |


發表於 2013-6-11 19:35:47 |
just to show some support

there are young girls in Fat Lee, I have found and tried a few of them, who claimed to be 20-25

if that is still too OLD for the other c hings, I suggest you to go to China or go to hotel-girls, there you can find some below 20


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