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發表於 2011-6-11 23:44:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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發表於 2011-6-12 00:48:41 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-6-12 20:17:36 | 顯示全部樓層


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發表於 2011-6-13 13:52:27 | 顯示全部樓層


I think it will not decrease the sales of small apartment
It is because the "fryers" will change to "fry" properties with value below 6million
They can use 6million to buy 2 apartments instead of 1, for renting, for reselling, for redistributing their risk

Why we need to suppress the market when all other advanced countries like US did not do anything to interfere the free market?

If the government wants to help people to own their own property, they should build more public housing and issue special loans for first time home owner

Remember, many people who keep crying of not able to afford housing will not be able to afford private housing even the price drops dramatically
and if the market drops dramatically, it will affect the whole society --> lay off staff, cut salary, cut benefits

Can you see the consequences? We need to see things as a big picture, but not just "hating the rich people"

"Hating the rich people" is a naive attitude. If the rich people don't have good income, they will only exploit the mid-to-low level staff even more.
It is the reality, we have to admit it.
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發表於 2011-6-13 14:39:32 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 goku11 於 2011-6-13 14:43 編輯

nice discussion, please see comments in Blue

Lemonsir 發表於 2011-6-13 13:59
see my comment in red


I think it will not decrease the sales of small apartment
It is because the "fryers" will change to "fry" properties with value below 6million
They can use 6million to buy 2 apartments instead of 1, for renting, for reselling, for redistributing their risk (你有冇留意依家市區單位都已經要400萬以上,仲要係400-600呎左右嘅單位,冰有咁易一開二呀?!)
6million is just an example. If one has to invest 10million in one luxury apartment, they can now choose to invest in two 400-500million apartments instead.
Or one planned to invest 30million in luxury market, he/she can choose to invest in 6-7 small apartments
which will further drive up the market demand for small apartments

Why we need to suppress the market when all other advanced countries like US did not do anything to interfere the free market? (你又有冇睇美國個樓市果d 新屋銷售指數呀?!如果美國樓市係好嘅,美國就會有顯著通脹,經濟都可以復甦,果陣伯南克都唔知幾開心可以加息!)
I said US did not do anything to interfere the free market
Then what's your point of mentioning their sales index?
Also, it is good economy causing inflation, and then causing rise in property value, but not vice versa (like what you said 如果美國樓市係好嘅,美國就會有顯著通脹)

If the government wants to help people to own their own property, they should build more public housing and issue special loans for first time home owner(佢肯聽至算啦!)
that's why they keep releasing stupid policies....

Remember, many people who keep crying of not able to afford housing will not be able to afford private housing even the price drops dramatically
and if the market drops dramatically, it will affect the whole society --> lay off staff, cut salary, cut benefits (如果樓市真係要爆,任何人都阻唔住!)
of course, but it won't drop now unless there is any natural disaster. the global economy is still in favour to the rise of property and comodities value

Can you see the consequences? We need to see things as a big picture, but not just "hating the rich people" (所以你見到個措施都唔係針對有錢人,係換樓人士!)
What's the point to target 換樓人士?? They are real users and they are innocent.

"Hating the rich people" is a naive attitude. If the rich people don't have good income, they will only exploit the mid-to-low level staff even more.
It is the reality, we have to admit it. (係d 冇料到嘅人先要仇富,有手有腳都搵唔到就去依屎啦!
agree, that's why many people should go to eat shxt

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發表於 2011-6-16 01:20:55 | 顯示全部樓層
Lemonsir 發表於 2011-6-12 11:26
大陸炒家係冇得停,正如好多人都知,佢地係唔使做 loan,現兜兜就得!

不過只係有一個因素令到大陸佬退市 ...

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發表於 2011-6-18 02:26:03 | 顯示全部樓層
what a shame of the HK gov?
only know push up the price and good for rich business men
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發表於 2011-6-18 15:43:35 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-6-20 11:23:38 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 煩惱 的帖子

而家只可借不足五成,分分鐘要pay off 一干萬買得一間,從demand角度上已經係decrease左。
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發表於 2011-6-22 13:20:51 | 顯示全部樓層
個市貴到咁真係買唔落手 ~
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