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[嘗酒] 入手double black

發表於 2012-3-21 16:38:31 | |閱讀模式


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發表於 2012-3-22 10:02:49 |
 樓主| 發表於 2012-3-24 09:26:22 |
我就反而飲開JW, 得閒整支Macallan18試試先~!
發表於 2012-3-24 18:54:08 |
不懂 johnny walker,只知最普通資訊,例如……價錢而言,red < black < green < gold < blue。

double black 算係特別 (限量) 版,新出品,還是其他?
 樓主| 發表於 2012-3-25 23:33:18 |
double black算係特別版囉, 但味道同black label有少少分別, 而且淳厚d, 無咗black label既少少辣~ 個人都係喜愛black label多少少~

而double back既價錢就大約四百多少少, 貴過black label三份一多dd~~
發表於 2012-4-3 20:22:47 |
今日買左枝試試,價錢400頭,比一般 single malt 例如 Macallan 12 便宜。


發表於 2012-4-8 16:07:50 |
個人覺得如果是為party準備的話會選擇口感調和的blended whiskey比如JW。

而自己或邀1~2個朋友小酌的話會選擇個性突出的single malt Scotch比如glenfiddich,macallan。

今次這款double black,如ewyy師兄所講,比起black label來口感更濃郁一些,更smoky一些。




發表於 2012-4-8 17:49:01 |
本帖最後由 呀吓 於 2012-4-8 17:50 編輯

關於 double black 的介紹:


Johnnie Walker Double Black is the newest addition to the Johnnie Walker family of Scotch whiskies. It was formerly only available in global duty-free shops, but it’s just been released, for a limited time, to the mass market.

Double Black starts with the Black Label template, and from there, it adds peatier malts and malts aged in heavily charred oak barrels – the result being a smokier dram than the original. And while the Black Label is aged for 12 years, Johnnie Walker Double Black carries no age statement.

On the nose, Double Black offers aromas of peat smoke, oak and dried fruits. Take a sip and notice more of that smoke, plus some pleasant tropical fruit notes, vanilla and spice. It’s quite drinkable, with an easy-going mouthfeel and a dry finish, but it’s a bit heavy-handed on the oak, with lots of char coming through.

Johnnie Walker Double Black is certainly no substitute for peaty Islay whiskies like Laphroaig or Bowmore, but it should appeal to fans of Johnnie Walker who’re looking for a whisky with some moderate peat smoke. It’s different enough from its Black Label cousin to warrant sampling, but not so different to alienate drinkers of the original. That said, its similarities – more in name and look than flavor – could result in some cannibalization for the brand.
發表於 2012-5-6 02:22:47 |
Nice man...how much is it?
發表於 2012-5-16 23:44:20 |
what would be a good place in HK to buy whisky ar? particularly interested in the Macallan ones...


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